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Predator Defense and Outdoor Survival-Course Description

This course teaches “The role of the firearm in an outdoor short-term emergency or survival situation.” To the best of our knowledge there is only one other Predator Defense Course being taught in the U.S. The training that you will receive in this class could turn a life-threatening outdoor emergency into a controllable situation. We have been teaching this course every year since 2014 and it has been very well received. Attacks by animals and other outdoor emergencies are much more frequent than most people realize. If you hunt, fish, hike or camp the knowledge and skills obtained in this course might save your life.



Perquisite: None for Predator Defense 1

This class may be taken as a standalone class and it is one of the prerequisites for Predator Defense/Outdoor Survival Two and Three (range classes). Bring a note book and writing implement.

Class will include:

Recommended firearms for Predator Defense and Outdoor Survival

The type of ammunition recommended in the woods

Ballistics for woods loads

The threats most likely faced in the outdoors

Bear load recommendations for all popular calibers

Animal anatomy

Where to aim at a charging or attacking animal

Uses for and the limitations of handgun shot shells

Field shooting positions

Long range handgun sighting techniques

Field holsters

Emergency fire starting

Survival hunting and fishing

Protocols for signaling with a firearm

Predator behavior

Federal guidelines regarding when you are justified in shooting a dangerous animal.

See schedule for pricing.


Perquisite: Completion of Defensive Pistol 1-4 and Predator Defense One.

Range drills for Predator Defense Handgun (PDH) 2 will include:

Numerous scenario based live fire Predator Defense drills conducted.

Realistic animal targets will be used throughout the course.

Field shooting positions will be practiced.

Drills will be timed to the speed of an attacking animal.

Multiple target drills.

Close Contact shooting drills.

Shooting from compromised positions.

Patterning handgun shot shells on rattlesnake and small game targets.

Predator Defense Handgun (PDH)- Range equipment list

Please read this information carefully as there are many significant changes from the Defensive Pistol Equipment list.

Handgun– Bring a safe, reliable, accurate, appropriate handgun. Call us if you need help with handgun selection. If you have a spare handgun and all the accessories and ammunition, bring them. If your pistol breaks you will be glad that you did. For this class we will require a pistol of at least 9X19 MM or a revolver of at least .357 Magnum caliber.

Ammunition– Approximately 250 rounds of reliable, accurate, factory ammunition. No tracer ammunition or steel core bullets. If you wish to discuss a waiver to shoot handloads send us an email or phone us. 

You will need 20 rounds of shotshells and 230 rounds of conventional bulleted cartridges. If handgun shotshells are not produced in your caliber of choice you may shoot conventional ammunition, or you may bring an additional handgun in a matching caliber of the shotshell; for this phase of the training(so long as you have a holster that works with this second pistol to ensure safety on the range).

Handgun shotshells are very low powered. In our experience handgun shotshells will function in some calibers and not so well in others. For example, 9 mm handgun shotshells will usually work in a subcompact pistol but will not work in many full-size pistols.  All these shotshells will fire but may need to be hand cycled. Handgun shotshells in revolver calibers work well as the low power does not affect functioning.

CCI handgun shotshells are available in these centerfire calibers:

9 MM

.40 S&W 

.45 ACP (can be used in .45 Super but will not function)

.38/.357 Magnum

.44 Special/Magnum

.45 Colt

CCI only produces hand gun shotshells in limited quantities. As this ammunition can be hard to come by, you should acquire these cartridges as soon as possible.

Magazines– minimum of three functional, reliable magazines are required for semi auto pistols. Six are recommended for general ownership.

Belt– A wide thick belt that will fit and fill your belt loops and accommodate your holster and or ammunition will be required.

Holster– Belt holster carried on the primary side, pistol butt to the rear, leather or Kydex, made specifically for the pistol being used. No generic and no nylon holsters. If the package states that the holster will work for the following long list of pistols, it will likely not work well. Shoulder or cross draw holsters are not approved. A near vertical chest holster may be used for this class. If you have a question about this, please call us.

Eye Protection– Clear and shaded shooting glasses.  

Dummy Rounds– Rhino brand or A-Zoom brand in the appropriate caliber. A minimum of 6 dummy rounds for auto pistols and 6 for revolvers.  

Trousers with wide belt loops– such as cargo trousers or Levi’s.

Speed Loaders– A minimum of two functional, reliable speed loaders for double action revolvers. You will also need cartridge loops.

Revolver Cartridge Loops– Ammunition carrier for revolvers in the appropriate caliber. A minimum of six loops for double action revolvers and 12 for single action revolvers.

Magazine Pouch– At least one, which is appropriate for the pistol magazines being utilized. It should be cut low exposing about half of the magazine. It may be leather or kydex but not nylon.

Writing Implement– for note taking.

Small Pocket Note Book– For taking notes on the range.

Firearms Training Notebook– To save handouts and take notes during lectures.

Speed Loader Pouch- at least one for those using a D/A revolver.

Knee and Elbow Pads– We will be shooting from field positions including kneeling and prone.

Shooting mat or rug or moving blanket– See Knee and elbow pads.

Binoculars– You will at times be shooting at distance in two relays and spotting for each other.

Hearing protection– Rubber (not foam) ear plugs on a string and a muff type head-set

Fire Extinguisher– If you have a fire extinguisher or two please bring them.

Dress in Layers– prepared to adapt to changing conditions

Boots– or sturdy shoes, high tops providing ankle protection are preferred.  We are off the concrete.  There are rocks and occasionally snakes.

Chair– Folding or Camping chair.

Baseball Cap– A cap or hat, not a visor and make sure it is compatible with your headset and your shooting glasses.

Mosquito Repellent– Optional

Sun Block– Strongly suggested

Sun Shade– Umbrella or Awning optional– Beware of wind gusts.

Lunch– Bring a lunch, there is no time to leave the range for lunch.

Water– We suggest a gallon of drinking water plus sports drinks for electrolytes

Note: Any questions regarding equipment please call us at

Larry and Stacey Mudgett

See schedule for pricing.

 Range drills include checking patterns with handgun snake shot shells on rattlesnake targets at several distances. Deer, turkey and rabbit hunting targets as well as charging bear picture targets will be used in the training. Handgun prone, braced and speed kneeling positions, handgun sitting position and using available objects for support will be taught. Each shooters maximum accurate range will be determined.


Continuation of handgun training, drills and experiences.


The minimum prerequisite for this class is the successful completion of Marksmanship Matters Pistol 1-4, Predator Defense 1 and the following: You may shoot any shoulder weapon with which you have been trained by Marksmanship Matters such as a bolt action rifle, lever action rifle, AR-platform, slide action shotgun or a break action rifle or shotgun.

Range drills for PD 3 will include:

Numerous scenario based live fire Predator Defense drills conducted.

Realistic animal targets will be used throughout the course.

Field shooting positions will be practiced.

Drills will be timed to the speed of an attacking animal.

Multiple target drills.

Close Contact shooting drills.

Shooting from compromised positions.

Transition drills will be included.

Rapid mounting from sling carry positions.

Snap shooting.

Speed and tactical reloading.

Equipment List for Predator Defense Rifle (PDR) for those using a rifle:

A safe, reliable and reasonably accurate bolt action rifle, lever action rifle, AR-platform, slide action shotgun, break action shotgun or break action rifle that you have been trained with by Marksmanship Matters

A short action rifle is preferred.

Low powered optics are preferred. Check with us for options.

Aperture sights will suffice.

Shooting Slings are strongly suggested.

Bipods are discouraged unless integral to the rifle.

Detachable box magazine rifles are approved.

Top loading fixed magazine rifles are approved.

Tubular magazine rifles are approved.

Lever action rifles with no loading gate on the receiver are not approved.

Ammunition: 250 accurate, safe and reliable factory cartridges.

The number of rounds fired will vary between individual classes.  

No ammo with any steel in the bullet.

No Russian ammunition.

You may use FMJ, JHP or JSP ammunition.

All rifle ammunition should be of the same load.

Regardless of caliber, velocities must be kept below 3,000 FPS.

Any caliber up to .30/06 or .45/70

Note: Any change in the load can and usually will change your zero.

Dummy cartridges– Rhino brand or A-Zoom brand, minimum 10 are required for the rifle.

Cartridge Loops– 5 loops minimum, affixed to your belt in the appropriate caliber.

Magazines– If your rifle uses a detachable box magazine, 3 are required.

Rifle Magazine Pouch– If your rifle uses a detachable box magazine.

Butt Cuff– nylon or leather Ammo Carrier attached to the shoulder stock is also strongly suggested.

Note: You will need a butt cuff and cartridge loops even if you are using a rifle with a detachable box magazine.

Recoil Pad– on the rifle butt will make shooting more comfortable and reduce slippage on the shoulder.

Shoulder Pad– we recommend that you use a PAST shoulder pad. Not necessary for firing a few rounds. Helpful for firing 250 rounds.

Shooting mat– will be required for shooting from field positions. You may use a piece of carpet or a heavy moving blanket for a mat.

Elbow and knee pads– are recommended.

Baseball cap.

A suitable handgun– Pistol or Revolver.

Holster– strong side butt to the rear with some form of retention which allows you to rapidly assume the prone position without losing the pistol.

Magazines– At least three if you are using an auto pistol.

Pistol magazine pouch– single or double magazine pouch.

Handgun ammunition– 50 accurate, safe and reliable factory cartridges

Speed loaders– 3 for D/A revolvers.

Cartridge Loops– 6 for D/A and 12 for S/A revolvers.

Shooting gloves– thin, with fingers exposed are recommended.

Boots– or sturdy high-top shoes to protect your ankles.

Ear plugs and ear muff– type hearing protection.

Both clear and dark shooting glasses.

Wide heavy-duty belt– that will fit your belt loops to support your pistol.

Trousers with belt loops– are required to prevent your pistol from riding up as you present the pistol from the holster.

Bug spray– is recommended.

Sun block-is highly recommended.

Water– one gallon minimum for each range day per shooter is suggested.

Tools– required to adjust iron sights if applicable.

Cleaning rod– is suggested.

Pocket notebook– to record all zeroing and range data.

Writing implements– to record information in your notebook.

Binoculars– will be helpful.

Cleaning kit– is recommended.

Fire extinguisher– is optional, please bring one if you can.

Personal first aid kit– is suggested.

If you have any questions, please contact us


Equipment List Predator Defense Shotgun (PDS)

You may use any safe slide action or break action shotgun to include a single barrel a double barrel or a triple barrel that you have been trained with by Marksmanship Matters.  


40 slugs– low-recoil/reduced-recoil

40 buck shot– recommend Federal Tactical Low recoil 00 buck

100 bird shot loads– Winchester 7/8-ounce low recoil

We suggest that you use only low recoil ammunition. Full power slugs and buck shot and even bird shot will become punishing by the end of the class and provide the shooter with no advantage. You should use the same exact slug loads throughout the course as you will be shooting out to 50 yards and will need consistent ammunition. The same is true for buck shot. Changing the buckshot load can change the pattern and point of impact.

Dummy rounds: A minimum of 12 A-Zoom dummy cartridges will be required. The dummy rounds will be used for skip loading, dry practice and manipulation practice. This item is mandatory. We suggest that you acquire these early as you may find it necessary to order them online.

Tools– required for adjusting sights if applicable. 

Knee pads and elbow pads- are suggested.

Shooting mat– or a pad to use in various shooting positions 

 Past Shoulder Pad: We strongly recommend that you wear a Past Shoulder Pad under your shirt. Your garment will prevent the butt of your shotgun from catching on the pad during rapid mounting. The pad will substantially reduce the effects of recoil which is cumulative. If you become sore and the recoil starts to cause you pain, you will no doubt start to flinch. Achieving a surprise break with the shotgun is difficult enough without being in pain. 

Binoculars– will be helpful. 

Pistol– Auto pistol or revolver

Holster– as used in Pistol 1-4

Three magazines– If using an auto pistol.

Speed Loaders– 3 if using a D/A revolver.

Cartridge Loops- 6 if using a D/A and 12 if using a S/A revolver.

Speed Loader Pouch– if using a D/A revolver

Pistol magazine pouch– if using an auto pistol.

Handgun ammunition– 50 accurate, safe and reliable factory cartridges.

Boots– or sturdy high-top shoes suggested to protect ankles. 

Baseball cap– not a visor. 

Ear plugs and ear muff– type hearing protection.

Clear and dark shooting glasses.

Wide heavy-duty belt– that will fit your loops to support your pistol.

Trousers with belt loops– are required.

Sun block– is highly recommended.

Water– minimum one gallon for each range day per shooter.

Pocket notebook– to record all range data. 

Writing device– (Pen/pencil) to record information in your notebook.

Cleaning kit– is recommended including a cleaning rod. 

Fire extinguisher– is optional, please bring one if you are able. 

Personal first aid kit– is suggested.

Dress in Layers– so that you can adapt to changing temperatures. 

Chair– Folding or Camping chair. 

Sun Shade– Umbrella or Awning optional– Beware of strong wind gusts. 

Lunch– bring one.

If additional items are added to this list prior to the class, you will be notified. 

Note: Any questions regarding equipment please call us at

Larry and Stacey Mudgett
Marksmanship Matters

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Course Application
To be considered for training you must fill out the following application in full. Once your payment has been sent ALONG with a copy of your CFP or CCW, you will be notified of your acceptance into our training program. IF you do NOT get an email confirmation, you have probably not filled-out this application correctly.

The successful completion of the 4-day defensive pistol class with a semi-auto pistol is a prerequisite for all other “range' classes". Specific prerequisite information for each class is contained within the class descriptions under Classes & Courses. If you do not find information on a class or would like additional details about a class, please contact us via email or phone (801-669-1886).

More classes coming for 2025, please check back frequently

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