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Gun Fighting Tactics

This 5 hour course includes viewing recreations of actual gunfights.

A class discussion and lecture will follow the viewing of each of the gunfights depicted.

The incidents will be critiqued regarding the tactics used.

This class will also include a lecture on Personal Protection and Tactics in the Home.

You will learn techniques which will help you to survive a lethal force confrontation.

The class will be open to those who have trained with us in the past and those who may have an interest in training with us in the future.

This is a “classroom only” course. No firearms or equipment are required.

Gun Fighting Tactics is a useful supplement to our defensive firearms courses or may be taken as a standalone course.

The location will vary depending on the size of the class.

See schedule for pricing.

We will conduct this class for any group of 15 or more.

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Course Application
To be considered for training you must fill out the following application in full. Once your payment has been sent ALONG with a copy of your CFP or CCW, you will be notified of your acceptance into our training program. IF you do NOT get an email confirmation, you have probably not filled-out this application correctly.

The successful completion of the 4-day defensive pistol class with a semi-auto pistol is a prerequisite for all other “range' classes". Specific prerequisite information for each class is contained within the class descriptions under Classes & Courses. If you do not find information on a class or would like additional details about a class, please contact us via email or phone (801-669-1886).

More classes coming for 2025, please check back frequently

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* Indicates required question
First Name *
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Last Name *
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Please select class you are applying for below:

Age *
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Phone Number *
Your answer
Email Address *
Your answer
Mailing Street Address *
Your answer
City, State, Zip *
Your answer
Do you have a Conceled Firearms Permit (CFP)? *
Concealed Firearms Permit (CFP) Number or fill-in none: *
Your answer
You MUST mail payment AND a copy of your CFP to be registered for a class *
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