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Why take our CFP Course?

• Content  • Duration • Depth • Experience

UPDATE FALL 2020: Until we can renew our instructor license in person we suggest you take your UT CFP class from Thomas. You may signup for his class at:

Other providers teach Utah CFP in maybe 2-4 hours, our class is a full 8 hour class instruction.

If you are serious about getting your concealed firearms permit, and are equally serious about understanding what you need to know concerning carrying a firearm, then this is the class for you.

There is much more to responsibly carrying a firearm than understanding the mechanics of your gun. Something that a lot of courses do not teach you is proper mindset, and how to keep yourself safe with or without having to use your firearm to stop an attacker.

While most courses teach and address the laws surrounding the legal carry of a firearm, we teach this subject in depth coming from a background of Law Enforcement, and professional instruction in the top organizations in America. – (over 46 years combined).

Here are some other topics we cover in depth in our course:

  • What to do after a shooting, and guidelines of how to talk to the authorities.
  • Proper handgun selection for YOU (don’t buy the wrong handgun without at least talking with us first. You could be wasting your money)
  • Holster and carry options and suggestions.
  • Mindset – proper awareness, staying safe, and how to take action when needed.
  • How to keep your firearms safe from unauthorized access and theft.

All of this adds up to a course you simply can’t replicate anywhere else. Please check the instructor page here, and read some of our articles here to get a better idea of what’s waiting for you in our class.

Larry and Stacy Mudgett

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Course Application
To be considered for training you must fill out the following application in full. Once your payment has been sent ALONG with a copy of your CFP or CCW, you will be notified of your acceptance into our training program. IF you do NOT get an email confirmation, you have probably not filled-out this application correctly.

The successful completion of the 4-day defensive pistol class with a semi-auto pistol is a prerequisite for all other “range' classes". Specific prerequisite information for each class is contained within the class descriptions under Classes & Courses. If you do not find information on a class or would like additional details about a class, please contact us via email or phone (801-669-1886).

More classes coming for 2025, please check back frequently

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Phone Number *
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Email Address *
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Mailing Street Address *
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City, State, Zip *
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Do you have a Conceled Firearms Permit (CFP)? *
Concealed Firearms Permit (CFP) Number or fill-in none: *
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You MUST mail payment AND a copy of your CFP to be registered for a class *
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