Active Killer Response
You may have noticed that in the past nine months there have been 8 terrorist attacks in the US. These incidents are likely to increase as our administration insists on admitting supposed refugees into our country. One only needs to look at the carnage occurring in Europe to know how this lunacy is going to work out. Active killer/shooter attacks are likely to happen more frequently over the next few years. In addition, we occasionally see active killer/shooter attacks which are not related to Islamic terrorism.
Defending yourself in such a dire situation may require defensive skills that you have not yet acquired. We will better prepare you for this type of worst case attack.
You will be encouraged to use the pistol that you carry every day. The targets will be consistent with the focus of the course. Shooting from awkward positions will be taught. Picking up the adversary’s gun and continuing the fight will be practiced. Shooting while seated in a chair, shooting while moving to cover, shooting from close contact position, shooting at unusual distances, shooting multiple targets in the proper order based on threat, shooting hostage taker targets and targets with no shoot targets in the back ground will all be practiced. Suicide bomber targets will be used.
This is a two-day course, all conducted on the range.
The successful completion of the 4-day defensive pistol class with a semi-auto pistol is a prerequisite for this course.
See schedule for pricing.
The hours are 0845 to 1700
Equipment List for Active Killer Response Class
(Note that this list is different than Pistol 1-4)
Handgun- The Pistol that you carry on your person on a daily basis or you may use the pistol that you trained with in Pistol 1-4. You may use any caliber semi-auto pistol, .380 ACP or larger caliber. During at least one of the drills you will shoot and stop a target which will require the last of your ammunition. You will then holster your pistol, move to the downed adversary target, pick up his gun (which you staged there before the drill) and shoot additional threat targets. If you do not have a second pistol to fulfill this requirement, please let us know and we will make arrangements to loan you one. Please indicate on your application which pistol you plan to use as your primary and your secondary pistol if you plan to bring one.
Holster-Belt holster carried on the primary side, pistol butt to the rear, leather or kydex, made specifically for the pistol being used. No generic and no nylon holsters. For range safety we require an outside the waist band holster. We prefer and strongly suggest a vertical and not a canted holster. If the package states that the holster will work for “the following long list of pistols,” the holster will not suffice. No shoulder or cross draw holsters, again for range safety. Blade Tech holsters generally work well. If you want a specific recommendation for a range training holster we suggest a Blade Tech, outside the waistband, dropped and offset holster. Please make certain that you are familiar with the holster that you bring and that you can safely present your pistol from that holster. Ideally this will be the holster that you use on a daily basis assuming it meets our range safety requirements (described above) or the holster that you used during Pistol 1-4. Contact us if you have any questions.
Due to the number of people who have accidentally shot themselves while drawing from the popular holster which has a plastic tab to unlock the pistol we cannot allow its use in our classes. If you have a question about this please call us.
Magazine Pouch- At least one or two, appropriate for the pistol magazines being utilized. It should be cut low exposing about half of the magazine. It may be leather or kydex but not nylon.
Magazines– minimum of three functional, reliable magazines are required for each semi auto pistol. You should probably own at least 6 magazines for every semi auto pistol that you own. A pistol without magazines is almost useless. Magazines get lost in combat and they break. Three magazines will be required for the class. A minimum of six are recommended for general ownership.
Ammunition- Approximately 250 rounds of reliable, accurate, factory ammunition, no Russian or reloaded ammunition, no tracer ammunition or steel core bullets. We have had serious problems with some “factory loads.” We do not recommend “no name” or “brand X ammunition.” We recently had a factory 9mm cartridge rupture blowing the magazine out of the pistol, damaging the magazine beyond repair and stinging the shooter’s hand. We have seen
.40 ammunition break up in the barrel and hit the target as a bunch of fragments. As a result, we strongly suggest that you consider bringing only Winchester, Remington, Federal or CCI practice ammunition. Please refer to our short attachment on training ammunition.
We have had numerous problems with clients bringing reloaded ammunition. Yours may be great but the problems have been so serious that we have had to stop classes and send everyone to the store to buy factory ammunition so that we could continue the class. As a result, we were forced to adopt this policy. No reloads for this class.
Dummy Rounds- “A-Zoom” brand in the appropriate caliber. A minimum of 6. Due to breakage and malfunctions caused by using Tipton dummy rounds those will not be accepted for use in our class. We have witnessed accidental discharges which occurred because other dummy rounds being used could not be easily distinguished from live rounds when observed in the feed way during a chamber check.
Belt- A wide thick belt that will fit and fill your belt loops and accommodate your holster will be required.
Trousers with wide belt loops- such as cargo trousers or Levis. Cargo trousers with side pockets are preferred.
Dress in Layers: so that you can adapt to changing temperatures and conditions.
Eye Protection- clear and shaded shooting glasses
Hearing protection- Rubber (not foam) ear plugs on a string and a muff type head set.
Note: Foam ear plugs must be squeezed and compacted with your fingers in order to get them into your ear canal. Your fingers will be contaminated with airborne lead and Mercury which is being transferred to your ear foam ear plugs each time that compress them. The time required to compact your ear plugs perhaps 20 times a day adds up. Often shooters will have difficulty compressing their foam ear plugs and cannot get them to properly enter the ear canal while the class stands ready and waits. The soft rubber tapered ear plugs (with multiple flanges) are easy and quick to insert. They do not require you to touch them with your contaminated fingers. If the use of foam ear plugs had not been a constant hindrance in the past, we would not insist on a specific type of plug. You may buy these at Wal Mart or most any sporting goods or gun store. They usually cost about 3 dollars for two pairs. You may be able to use your earplugs in conjunction with your ear muffs. If you have difficulty hearing the range commands when using muffs and plugs, you will have to rely solely on your ear muffs. If you are able to use both you should and we require everyone to start with both for maximum protection.
Boots- or sturdy shoes, high tops providing ankle protection are preferred. We are off the concrete. There are rocks and occasionally snakes.
Knee and Elbow Pads Optional-
We will be shooting from unusual positions and you are welcome to wear knee and or elbow pads to reduce the possibility of injury.
Chair– Folding or Camping chair to use during off line briefings, breaks and lunch.
Baseball Cap- A cap or hat, not a visor and make sure it is compatible with your head set and your shooting glasses.
Mosquito Repellent- Optional
Sun Block- Strongly suggested
Sun Shade- Umbrella or Awning optional– Beware of strong wind gusts.
Lunch- Please bring a lunch
Water- We suggest a gallon of drinking water plus sports drinks for electrolytes each range day.
Optional Item-Fire Extinguisher- If you have a fire extinguisher or two please bring them. The possibility of starting a fire with the type of ammunition and targets that we use is almost zero, but due to the recent wild fires we wish to err on the side of caution. With 10 or 12 fire extinguishers, shovels and water we should be able to stop a problem before it gets out of hand. Fire can start from a hot exhaust pipe.
Note: Any questions regarding equipment please phone us at 801-669-1886
Larry and Stacey Mudgett
“Marksmanship Matters”